Mateo 25:21, 23 RVR
“Y su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; enter into the joy of your lord.

Sometimes we mismanage the little we have and we are pretending that God who is the owner of all wisdom and knowledge puts us in the much.
Proverbs 6:8 NVI
“Con todo, in the summer he stores provisions and during the harvest he gathers food. "
The ant stores provisions in the summer so there is plenty, so that it does not lack in the winter. Correct administration is based on order and responsibility. The order to know what I have and responsibility not to waste it, but multiply it. Maybe at this moment you don't need anything, but you do not know what unforeseen may arise in the future. So get up from your dream, start ordering what you have, don't keep wasting it. Por el contrario, start saving and challenge yourself to find ways to invest. Do not eat the seed today, what can give you harvest tomorrow.

Oración: Lord make me aware of my expenses, with proper administration, being orderly and responsible, so that in the future I can enjoy the fruit of the seed that I sowed.

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